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Wheel Tracker EN12697-22 Large device



EN12697-22, EN13108-20, NF P98-253-1


Wheel tracker

CRT-WTENLD � Wheel tracker EN12697-22 Large device

For many years this wheel tracking test has been used in France. The test method was developed at LCPC. It has now been adopted as one of the two wheel trackers specified in EN13108-20.

Two pneumatic wheels are reciprocated along two 500*180mm samples with a load of 5000N. The resulting deformation is measured at specified intervals.


� User friendly Windows software guides even novice users through the EN test procedure
� Integral temperature controlled cabinet
�Test temperature range 40�C to 60�C
�Double glazed automatic doors
�Supplied with UKAS accreditation
� Specimens can be compacted in the CRT-RCEND-II without demoulding

The CRT-WTENLD can be used for:

� Used to assess resistance to permanent deformation according to EN12697-22 and EN13108-20.


The equipment comprises a rigid steel frame supporting a stainless steel temperature controlled temperature cabinet (+40�C to +60�C �1�C around the slab) with automatic opening double glazed doors for good access.

Two Trelleborg T522 BV pneumatic tyres are reciprocated in a sinusoidal motion a distance of 410 mm. Frequency is normally 1Hz but can be adjusted.

The equipment is controlled and the test data acquired, via the enclosed data control unit. The user operates the wheel tracker through an IBM PC using user friendly Lab View software.

The software automatically starts the wheel moving and pushes the specimens up into contact with them. It provides a continuously updated on-screen graph of rut-depth versus time and stops the wheel tracker when the test is finished.

On completion of a test the stored test data can be analysed using a spreadsheet and/or a test report can be printed using the supplied software. Various graphs can also be printed or saved to disk.

� Test software to perform EN12697-22 Large device


See also:
Roller Compactor large device EN
NAT Asphalt Testing System
Universal Servo-Hydraulic Test System
Four point beam fatigue test
Wheel tracker
Hamburg Wheel tracker
Wheel tracker