ASTM D5, D217, D937, D1321, D1403, NFT 60119,
T 60132, T 66004, ISO 2131, ISO 2137, DIN 52010, DIN 51804, DIN 51579, IP 49
See other applications under ASTM D 217 - D 937 - D 1321 - D 1403
The penetration of a product is the depth, in tenths of millimeter, that a standard needle or cone penetrates the sample, under standardized conditions of loading, time and temperature.
The load comprises a needle, a needle holder and possibly and additional weight.
The Penetrometers are intended for measuring the consistency of lubricating greases and petrolatum as well as the consistency of bituminous materials, and petroleum waxes.
Penetration readings are quickly taken using this simple to operate apparatus.
REF. 941731
This manual penetrometer includes a large table on levelling feet with spirit
level, a manual release mechanism and a dial indicator in 0.1 mm.
Outfit (needle, holder, sample container, ...) not included.
REF. 941734
Automatic Penetrometer compact automated instrument uses the latest electronic technologies.
It is equipped with keyboard, LCD display, user friendly software and
stepper motor for penetration depth as low as 0.01 mm, needle (or cone)
holder, magnifying lens and low voltage illuminator, centering guide, RS232C
output and accessories for automatic level detection for conductive samples.
REF. 9417582
This compact twin-unit automated grease worker uses electronic counter
to control the strokes number.
ACCESSORIES (for all standards)
27674 Glass transfer bath (cryostat connection)
941220 Constant temperature w ater bath (max 100�C)
9911504 ASTM thermometer 17C
9911532 ASTM thermometer 63C
9911533 ASTM thermometer 64C
941732 Calibration kit for automatic penetrometer
99814 Standard needle 2.5 g (up to 350 u.)
941737 Holder 47.5 g
941810 Outf it for penetration of bitumous material
941812 Additional w eight 100 g
941815 Additional w eight 50 g
998140 Long needle 2.5 g (up to 500 u.)
998171 Sample container one use 55x35 mm (pack of 10)
998181 Sample container Al. 55x70 mm (>200 u.)
998191 Sample container A l. 55x57 mm (up to 500 u.)
9417371 Bitumen automatic level detection device
998173 Sample c ontainer A l. 55x 35 mm (pack of 10)
outfit is needle + holder + weight 50g + 2 containers
941759 Plunger plate ASTM (51 holes)
99739 Grease cutter w ith blade
941736 Outf it for consistency of lubricating grease
941737 Holder 47.5 g
941738 Standard cone 102.5 g
941750 Hand grease w orker w ith cup and thermometer
941751 Worker cup only
941760 Plunger plate Fed. Spec. (270 holes)
997411 Sample container 76x63 mm
9900759 Thermometer for grease worker
9951810 Spatula 30x200 mm
outfit is cone + holder + container
See also:
Automatic Penetrometer